Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)

The vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) test is used to determine if certain inner ear structures (the saccule, inferior vestibular nerve, and their central brain connections) are working normally. The saccule, which is the lower of the two otolithic motion sensors of the inner ear, has slight sound sensitivity which can be measured and recorded when sounds are presented to the ear.

The wrist, neck, and sternum will be scrubbed clean and small electrodes will be taped to the skin. An earphone will be placed in each ear canal. You will lie down with your head lifted and turned to the side to elicit the VEMP response.

A computer will record several responses from the ear. The audiologist will find the softest level that produces a VEMP response and determine the amplitude and latencies of the response. This test takes approximately one hour.

The audiologist will analyze the test and then send the results to the referring physician.

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